Thursday, September 24, 2009

Being in Two Places at Once

So I'm going to be writing for "The Copper and Blue" now which is a part of the Mirtle family of blogs. Firstly, Vic, I know that you must be a bit disappointed in me. I'm sorry for that and it may end up that the message-boarding of blogs will be as bad as you expect. I never lived through the message board days so... we'll see. I'm still going to be writing here frequently as well since a lot of the things I like to write about are duplicated over there. As an example Bruce is doing game recaps for the preseason already and it doesn't make much sense to have us both do them in the same space, thus it will end up here. Plus, some of the work I do is less Oiler-centric and more NHL or league-centric so I'll probably put some of that here as well. Basically, we'll see how things go.


Coach pb9617 said...

You sound so thrilled!

Scott Reynolds said...

I know, I know. The thing is, Vic is the person that first encouraged me before he ever "knew" me (in the way that you and I "know" each other). His view of the blogs (more views almost always means more noise and less signal) may end up being true. I actually am excited to be trying something new at Copper and Blue. I'll be collaborating with others and writing for many more eyes. I'm interested to see if it's a more satisfying experience. I don't know the answer up front.

Jonathan Willis said...


Speaking as someone who has collaberated in a number of different settings, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with Copper & Blue. Bruce, Derek, and more recently Ben are fun guys to work with and have that all-to rare gift of sanity.